In the face of ongoing economic challenges, India’s Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, finds herself under increasing pressure. Sitharaman, who made history in 2019 as India’s first full-time female finance minister, is tasked with steering the country towards its economic potential. However, t
In an era where sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity, Baiduri Bank has taken a bold step forward. The bank has pledged its commitment to sustainable banking and introduced a new brand promise: “Co-creating your future”. This promise is not just a tagline, but a reflection of the ba
TranscriptNigeria’s economy bounced back from its COVID-19 slump with growth of 3.4 percent in 2021. Zenith Bank group managing director Ebenezer Onyeagwu joins World Finance to discuss the country’s ...
Compound Chicken, a beloved Chinese-American dish, is a flavorful and popular choice that has been enjoyed for generations. In this detailed guide, Chef Steve Chu and Conor Ekiban from Baltimore will walk you through the process of creating this iconic dish, highlighting the key techniques and ingre
Sticky toffee pudding with salted caramel sauce is a quintessential British dessert that combines a moist and dense cake with a rich and indulgent caramel topping. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of creating this heavenly dessert that is sure to impress
Steamed spotted dick is a beloved classic British dessert that combines a moist and flavorful pudding with a rich and creamy custard. In this detailed guide, we will walk you through the process of creating this traditional dessert, from preparing the pudding batter to steaming it to perfection. Add
The principle of stock fluctuations is the idea that the prices of stocks change due to the forces of supply and demand, as well as other factors that influence the expectations and behaviors of buyers and sellers.Supply and demand are the basic elements of any market, and they determine how much of