Tunisian Dinar2020TND102017TND202022TND502022TND5
Trinidad & Tobago Dollar2019TTD1002020TTD102020TTD12020TTD202020TTD502020TTD5
Philippine Peso2019PHP10002019PHP1002019PHP2002019PHP202019PHP5002019PHP50
The Sudanese Pound is the official currency of Sudan. It was introduced in 2007, replacing the Sudanese Dinar. The currency is issued by the Central Bank of Sudan and is denoted by the symbol "SDG". The Sudanese Pound is subdivided into 100 piasters. The Sudanese Pound has undergone various changes in its value over the years. In recent times, it has faced significant depreciation due to economic challenges faced by the country. This has led to inflation and a decrease in the purchasin
Rwandan Franc2015RWF10002014RWF20002014RWF50002013RWF500
Aruban or Dutch Guilder2019AWG1002019AWG102019AWG2002019AWG252003AWG5002019AWG50
Mozambican Metical2011MZN10002011MZN1002011MZN2002011MZN202011MZN5002011MZN50
The Angolan Kwanza is the official currency of Angola. It was introduced in 1999, replacing the previous currency, the Angolan Escudo. The Kwanza is subdivided into 100 smaller units called "Lwei". The currency is issued by the National Bank of Angola and its value is determined by the foreign exchange market. The Kwanza has faced challenges over the years due to factors such as inflation, political instability, and a reliance on oil exports. However, efforts have been made by the gove
Nepalese Rupee2019NPR10002019NPR1002020NPR102020NPR202016NPR5002019NPR502020NPR5