Author:Lisa Esposito Update:2025-02-06

Noom diet is focused on the "what" and "why" of eating. It aims to cultivate self-awareness, accountability, and healthy habits that can result in sustainable weight loss. Keep reading to discover if Noom lives up to its reputation or if it's just another low-calorie diet disguised as a unique approach to nutrition.

What Is Noom Diet?

Noom is a subscription health app that integrates meal and exercise tracking with virtual coaching and educational content, aiming to facilitate behavioral changes for a healthier lifestyle. Despite advertising suggesting flexibility in food choices while promoting mindful eating habits and other healthy adjustments, Noom's Healthy Weight program is still rooted in calorie awareness. Noom advocates for the consumption of low-calorie and high-volume foods, such as fresh vegetables and lean proteins. Through the app, personalized daily calorie ranges are calculated based on factors like age, gender, and individual weight-loss goals. The primary focus involves logging every meal and snack, while also monitoring daily weight and exercise using Noom's app on smartphones and tablets.

The present Noom platform integrates technology, human coaching, and psychological support. It's important to note that while Noom coaches may possess diverse health and wellness backgrounds, not all of them are necessarily dietitians or nutrition experts. They bring various degrees, certifications, and levels of experience to the coaching role.

How Does Noom Work?

  • Download the "Noom: Healthy Weight Loss" app on your iOS devices or the "Noom: Weight Loss & Health" app on your Android devices. 

  • Log all meals, snacks and daily weights on the app.

  • The app provides feedback and guidance based on the foods you choose and your activity in tandem with your weight loss goals.

  • Color-coded food groups identify the healthiest foods, those that require you to limit your portion size or frequency of eating and those to avoid as much as possible.

  • Coaches and support groups offer information, encouragement and motivation through the app.

Create Healthy Eating Habits

You won't be given a detailed menu on Noom. Instead, the Noom app personalizes feedback based on your food log. Foods are grouped into three color-coded categories based on how many calories they contain and their nutritional makeup. The goal is to shift away from foods with high-caloric and low-nutrient density. For example, you’ll learn to select baked unsweetened fresh apples instead of apple pie and spinach salad instead of creamed spinach. Another way to think of this is that it guides you to choose the foods that have the most water in them and are the most filling for the fewest calories.

As you log every food and beverage in your diet, the app automatically tallies the calories you’ve consumed and informs you of your remaining daily allotment.

Can Noom Help You Lose Weight?

Yes, you will likely lose weight on Noom. In general, diets emphasizing low-calorie foods have been shown to promote fullness on fewer calories and result in weight loss, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Research on low-calorie-dense diets – like volumetrics and similar plans – supports their effectiveness.

For example, researchers established there is indeed a connection between choosing low-energy-density foods and weight loss for obese individuals. This conclusion is based on a review of 13 studies, which included 3,268 participants (1).

Short-Term Weight Loss

Cutting calories results in weight loss for most people, as evidenced by numerous studies. Using the Noom app for one-on-one advice based on your food and exercise records, getting help to set realistic weight loss goals and reading self-help articles based on cognitive behavior therapy principles may increase weight loss.

During one eight-week study, women who received one-on-one therapist guidance while using Noom's app lost significantly more weight and fat mass than those who used a weight-loss app that didn't include personal coaching. (2).

In another study, participants using Noom lost more weight than those who received standard clinical care. After 16 weeks, those using Noom lost 12.1 pounds, while the other group lost less than one pound (3).

Long-Term Weight Loss

A study showed that participants who used the Noom app lost 7.5% of their body weight at 15 weeks and kept most of the weight off at one year by frequently logging their meals and exercise (10).

Weight Maintenance and Management

Integrating cognitive behavioral therapy to promote healthy, long-term lifestyle modifications has proven to be effective for maintaining and managing weight (8).

While 78% of Noom app users lost weight on the program, based on a retrospective study, researchers found that those who frequently logged their weight and diet were significantly less likely to experience the yo-yo effect (11)

How to Get Started on Noom

To get started, download the Noom app and click through a series of questions about your starting height, weight, sex and gender, lifestyle habits and behaviors, physical activity and medical history, as well as health goals. Based on your combined responses, the app generates an estimated date by which you’ll reach your goal weight. Join your support group to start discussing and sharing tips on topics like distraction-free eating, strategies for staying active, creative ways to drink water and motivation versus momentum, among others.

Find Recipes

The Noom app offers simple recipes. The app also alerts you if recipe items take you over your daily calorie budget, instantly recalculated whenever you log meals or snacks. Nutrition information for each recipe is limited to calorie counts for each ingredient. Recipes do not address fat, carb, sodium, protein or other nutrient content.

How Much Does Noom Cost?

The Noom app requires a subscription to use and starts at $70 per month. Payment is required upfront, with decreasing monthly rates as you commit to more months. All plans automatically renew, so you'll need to cancel your plan before your next billing cycle if you want to end your subscription.

Most Noom Weight users begin with a four-month subscription of $42.25 per month. This plan is billed upfront as a four-month auto-renewing plan at $169. You can cancel plans at any time. Noom Med costs an additional $49 on top of the Noom Weight subscription.

  • One-month plan: $70.

  • Two- plan: $129 ($64.50 per month).

  • Three-month plan: $159 ($53 per month).

  • Four-month plan: $169 ($42.25 per month).

  • Five-month plan: $174 ($34.80 per month).

  • Six-month plan: $179 ($29.83 per month).

  • Seven-month plan: $184.

  • Eight-8-month plan: $189 ($23.63 per month).

  • Nine-month plan: $195 ($21.67 per month).

  • 10-month plan: $199 ($19.90 per month).

  • 11-month plan: $205 ($18.64 per month).

  • Annual plan: $209 ($17.42 per month).

Is Noom Easy to Follow?

Noom is ranked No. 8 in Easiest Diets to Follow.

Noom can be time-consuming. Logging every meal and responding to multiple messages from your coach and support group means Noom requires your attention throughout the day.

On the other hand, with the Noom app, resources from recipes to coaching and group support are at your fingertips. Meal planning and shopping may not change that much from your pre-Noom routine. Because Noom is based on tweaking your food choices rather than restricting entire food groups, it may boost your chances of sticking to it over time.

  • Vegan or vegetarian friendly. Recipes can be easily modified for a vegan or vegetarian diet.

  • Gluten-free friendly. Recipes can be easily modified and still follow a gluten-free diet.

  • Halal friendly. Recipes can be easily modified and still follow the diet.

  • Kosher friendly. Recipes can be easily modified and still follow the diet.

  • Low-carbs. Noom Weight’s customizable program supports all variations of the low-carb diet.

Who Should Not Try  Noom?

Noom is not intended for anyone under 18, pregnant people or those with an active eating disorder.

If you currently have an eating disorder or have a history of disordered eating, experts suggest avoiding Noom. Instead, speak with a dietitian who has experience in eating disorders.


  • Diverse foods and flavors.

  • Filling – it's rich in high-fiber foods.

  • No off-limit foods or food groups.

  • A clearly defined plan with recipes.


  • Lacks in-depth nutritional guidance.

  • Could fall short nutritionally.

What Can You Eat on Noom?

Noom uses a "traffic light" system to classify foods into green, yellow and orange groups. Essentially, green foods are unlimited. The yellow category contains foods to be cautious about, so watch portion sizes and don’t eat these every day. Orange foods are foods you should eat rarely, like birthday cake.


Green foods are low-calorie, high-nutrient foods and should make up most of your diet. Examples include:

  • Vegetables.

  • Fruit.

  • Oatmeal.

  • Nonfat yogurt and cheese. 

  • Skim milk or unsweetened almond milk. 

  • Whole-grain bread.

  • Quinoa and brown rice.


Eat foods on the yellow food list in moderate portions:

  • Salmon.

  • Turkey breast.

  • Grilled chicken.

  • Eggs.

  • Black beans.

  • Avocado.

  • Low-fat yogurt and cheese. 

  • Whole-grain tortillas.


Eat these foods only occasionally and in small amounts:

  • Oils.

  • Seeds.

  • Nuts and nut butter.

  • Raisins. 

Vegan and Following Noom

Yes, low-caloric density, high-water foods favored by Noom – such as fruits, veggies and whole grains – fit perfectly into a vegan eating style. Noom offers vegans tips to ensure they get adequate amounts of nutrients, including vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids. See all vegan diets.

Vegetarian and Following Noom

The plant-based diet recommended by Noom is perfect for vegetarians, and many options are available for plant-based sources of protein and other nutrients. The recipe database contains plenty of options to fit your lifestyle and chosen eating plan. See all vegetarian diets.

Gluten Free and Following Noom

Many of the “green foods” on the Noom plan are naturally gluten-free. Avoid processed gluten-free foods, like cookies and sweet cereals, to speed up your weight loss. Instead, stick to naturally gluten-free fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean proteins and whole grains. See all gluten-free diets.

Halal and Following Noom

Halal folks will be able to follow the Noom program. After all, you’re doing your shopping and meal planning, so you’re in control. See all halal diets.

Kosher and Following Noom

The Noom app does not explicitly label recipes as kosher, but you can modify Noom recipes to be kosher by omitting the cheese from meat-containing meals or using mashed avocado instead of mayonnaise in your chicken salad, for example. See all kosher diets.

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