Author:Alexander Brown Update:2025-02-26

Welcome to Champs Japanese Kitchen! Today, we are celebrating reaching over 220,000 subscribers with a special guest, Rotaru Sakura. Together, we will be making a delicious dish to mark this milestone - Okonomiyaki, a versatile Japanese savory pancake that translates to "whatever you like." Join us as we dive into the art of making Osaka-style Okonomiyaki from scratch.

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- Water

- Flour

- Egg

- Cabbage

- Green onion

- Japanese mochi (rice cake)

- Sesame seeds

- Dashi stock powder

- Yamaimo (Japanese Yam)

- Seafood mix (shrimp, octopus, squid)

- Soy sauce

- Thinly sliced pork belly

- Grated bonito flakes

- Dried seaweed

- Okonomiyaki sauce (Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, soy sauce, honey)

1. Prepare the Batter:

   - Combine water and flour gradually to create a smooth batter.

   - Add an egg and mix well.

   - Incorporate vegetables such as cabbage, green onion, and Japanese mochi into the batter.

   - Add sesame seeds, dashi stock powder, and grated Yamaimo for a fluffy texture.

   - Mix in the seafood mix and soy sauce.

2. Cook the Okonomiyaki:

   - Heat oil in a frying pan and add thinly sliced pork belly.

   - Pour a portion of the batter over the pork to form a pancake shape.

   - Cook on medium-low heat for about six minutes on each side.

   - Flip the Okonomiyaki using a plate for an easy and successful flip.

3. Prepare the Sauce and Toppings:

   - Mix Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, soy sauce, and honey to create Okonomiyaki sauce.

   - Serve the Okonomiyaki topped with bonito flakes and dried seaweed.

   - Optional: Add mayonnaise for extra flavor.

Enjoy your homemade Osaka-style Okonomiyaki with a perfect balance of flavors and textures. This dish allows for customization, so feel free to add your favorite toppings and sauces. Thank you for joining us in this celebration and remember to savor each bite with a heartfelt "Gochisousama deshita"!

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