With global electricity needs growing with each passing year, innovative companies like Iberdrola are intensifying their search for sustainable solutionsCorporate Governance|Featured|StrategyAuthor:Ib...
Tehran, Iran. The country's oil industry has been particularly baldy hit by the recent US sanctions and this new European mechanism will not cover transactions related to this sectorFeatured|MarketsAu...
Abu Dhabi, where Union National Bank's headquarters are basedBanking|Retail bankingAuthor:Mohammad Nasr Abdeen, CEO of Union National BankTop 5Top 5 forces that will shape international finance in 202...
When considering long-term investment options, it is important to carefully evaluate and select funds that are suitable for your specific financial goals and risk tolerance. Long-term investing involves holding onto investments for an extended period of time, typically five years or more, with the a
In the world of finance and commerce, various instruments are used to facilitate transactions and ensure the smooth flow of funds. Among these instruments are promissory notes, bills of exchange, checks, and bank drafts. These financial instruments play a crucial role in enabling individ
Syndicated lending is a type of financing in which a group of lenders provides funds to a borrower, usually a corporation or a government entity. This type of lending is often used for large-scale projects and acquisitions, as it allows the borrower to access a larger pool of capital than they would
SINGAPORE, Nov 15 (Reuters) - Asian stocks surged to two-month highs on Wednesday in anticipation of stimulus in China and an end to rate hikes in the United States, while the dollar nursed steep loss...
Futures are derivative contracts that obligate the parties to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price and date in the future. Futures traders can use futures to speculate on the future direction of the price of an asset, or to hedge their risk exposure to an adverse price movement of an asset.
In today's fast-paced digital world, investing has become more accessible than ever before. Gone are the days of relying solely on traditional brokerage firms and financial advisors. With the rise of investment apps, anyone with a smartphone can now take control of their financial future. In thi